Latest report forecasts a global market value of over $66 billion by 2016.
M2M is set to transform the telecoms industry
M2M will allow operators to expand their portfolio of offerings and therefore create new value added services and revenue streams in an increasingly saturated market place. M2M has potential applications in virtually limitless number of industries, with successful current uses documented in the report, in the automotive, e-health and energy sectors. This report proposes business models for successful adoption of M2M by operators.
Monetising future M2M applications
Smart metering, Smart Services and the Connected Home are just some of the M2M services, covered in this report, that promise to transform the lives of end-users, in addition to increasing operator revenues. For operators this research allows for the assessment of the current M2M space. For enterprises this report examines how to increase efficiency levels and reap the significant OpEx and CapEx savings that M2M delivers.
How pervasive will M2M be in the future?
Global M2M connections will top 850 Million by 2016. Adoption of M2M is inevitable, but to benefit from the technology, a successful strategy must be employed. This timely report is essential for potential ecosystem members, who must take action now to ensure their share of the $66 Billion industry of M2M in 2016.